Catholics must defend Cardinal Zen by calling on our leaders to break with Communist China!

Dear U.S. Political Leaders and Catholic Bishops,

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to commit genocide and engage in the systemic rape and torture of Muslim Ugyhurs.

In addition, the CCP has been tramping the rights of faithful Catholics. Leaders like Cardinal Zen, the 90-year-old retired Bishop of Hong Kong, and seven other Catholic Bishops are imprisoned in China right now. Cardinal Zen will soon be on trial for being a Christian and standing in solidarity with the vulnerable and human rights protestors in Hong Kong.

Now, we call on our elected officials and Church leaders to ensure that China's outrages no longer go unanswered. Every free nation must decouple from the Chinese Communist Party, now.

This national petition effort is being organized by the teams at the Vulnerable People Project and Movie to Movement. We are two unique programs of one organization, H.E.R.O., and share a common mission...apply the principles of Catholic social teaching to defend the vulnerable from violence by promoting the beauty of the human person, inspiring solidarity, and taking direct action. Whether it's through movies, press campaigns, or charitable gifts, we stand with the most vulnerable people in the world and when they are the most in need.

Right now, our team is the only Western-NGO remaining in Afghanistan helping to evacuate those most at-risk and serving inside of the nation providing food, shelter, and medical supplies to those cut off from the rest of the world. In Ukraine, our mission has transformed from helping to provide shelter to orphans and children at the border to disarming landmines. In Washington, D.C., we calling for political leaders to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for their campaigns of genocide. In Hollywood, we continue to produce and promote films that show the violence of abortion.

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“Remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." - Hebrews 13:3

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